


2020-04-07 16:35:00 来源:华南师范大学环境学院 点击:



团队负责人:应光国 教授












(1)  环境地球化学过程:环境监测新技术,新污染物筛查识别技术,环境大数据与源汇过程模拟,环境理论化学与分子模拟;

(2)  生态健康效应:环境抗生素污染及细菌耐药性,内分泌干扰效应,污染物生态毒理效应与人体健康风险评价;

(3)  污染控制技术:城市水质与水安全技术,流域水生态风险评价,流域污染控制原理。




[1] 基金委联合基金,湘江流域新污染物的筛查、环境归趋与风险研究, U22A20604, 2023-01-2026-12,应光国,在研

[2] 基金委联合基金,粤港澳大湾区道路地表毒害污染物的污染特征及环境效应,2022.01-2025.12, 赵建亮,在研

[3] 基金委重点项目,养殖环境抗生素和耐药基因的污染过程与效应研究, 42030703, 2021.01-2025.12,应光国,在研

[4] 国家重点研发项目课题,场地抗生素及抗性基因环境行为与健康风险,2020YFC1806900, 2021.01-202412,赵建亮,在研

[5] NSFC-广东省联合基金,珠江流域典型河流抗生素抗性基因污染特征及其驱动机制研究,U1701242,2018.01-2021.12,284万,应光国,结题

[6]    广东省科技计划项目,广东省化学品污染与环境安全重点实验室,2019B030301008,2019.01-2021.12,300万,应光国,结题

[7]    国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,分子激发态动力学理论方法发展与应用,21933011,2020.01-2024.12,130万,兰峥岗,在研

[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,养殖环境中可转移耐药质粒在大肠杆菌中的适应性研究, 2022.01-2025.12, 何良英,在研

[9]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,食物相镉、硒在日本青鳉鱼脑中的累积规律及神经效应研究,2019.01-2022.12,谢凌天,在研

[10]    国家重点研发计划子课题:基于水生动物的场地土壤环境损害鉴定评估方法和标准,2018.01-2022.12,谢凌天,在研

[11] 国家基金面上项目,河流和海洋沉积物中有机紫外吸收剂的厌氧微生物降解机制研究,41877359,2019.01-2021.12,62万,刘有胜,在研

[12] 国家基金面上项目,典型酚类内分泌干扰物鱼体代谢机制及毒代动力学模拟研究,41877360,2019.01-2021.12,62万,赵建亮,在研

[13] 国家基金面上项目,城市污水处理过程中苯二氮卓类镇静催眠药物的降解转化机理研究,41877358,2019.01-2021.12,61万,杨滨,在研

[14] 国家杰出基金项目,环境地球化学与生物地球化学,40688001,2007.01-2010.12,200万,应光国,已结题

[15] 广东省应用型科技研发专项,废水和水体综合毒性监控和评估技术,2015B020235012,2016.01-2018.12,500万,应光国,已结题

[16] NSFC-广东省联合基金,珠江流域水体与沉积物中典型有机污染物的生态毒理效应,U1133005,2012.01-2015.12,240万,应光国,已结题

[17] 国家水专项东江项目,东江流域优控污染物控制管理技术研究与应用示范,2014ZX07206-005,2014.01-2016.12,215.98万,应光国,已结题

[18] 中国科学院前沿科学重点项目,农田土壤耐药基因组学特征与扩散机理,QYZDJ-SSW-DQC029,2016.08-2018.08,120万,应光国,已结题

[19] 广州市科学研究专项重点项目,分散型污水处理系统微生物学机制研究与适用技术集成,201504010007,2015.01-2017.12,250万,应光国,已结题

[20] 国家水项目东江项目十一五课题,东江优控污染物动态控制管理技术体系研究与应用示范,2008ZX07211-008,2008.01-2010.12,871万,应光国,已结题

[21] 环保部环保公益项目课题,我国抗生素抗性基因污染的检测方法、污染现状及控制对策研究,201309031,2013.01-2015.12,128万,应光国,已结题

[22] 中国科学院重要方向项目,环境中抗生素的污染特征、环境行为及其细菌耐药性研究,KZCX2-EW-108,2011.01-2013.12,150万,应光国,已结题

[23] 国家基金面上项目,污水处理厂与受纳水环境中典型家用杀生剂的降解转化机理研究,41473105,2015.01-2018.12,100万,应光国,已结题

[24] NSFC-广东省联合基金课题,东江饮用水源区水污染风险与控制原理,U1401235,2015.01-2018.12,50万,刘有胜,已结题

[25] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,不同摄入途径下日本鳉鱼对Cd、Zn的分子毒性响应差异及内在机理,2013.01-2016.12,谢凌天,已结题



[1]    Jiang YX, Shi WJ, Ma DD, Zhang JN, Ying GG, Ong CN (2019) Dydrogesterone exposure induces zebrafish ovulation but leads to oocytes over-ripening: an integrated histological and metabolomics study. Environment International 128, 390-398.

[2]    Huang GY, Liang YQ, Liu YS, Shi WJ, Hu LX, Xie LT, Ying GG (2019) Swine farm wastewater discharge causes masculinization of western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Environment International 123,132-140.

[3]    Shi WJ, Jiang YX, Huang GY, Zhao JL, Liu YS, Xie LT, Ying GG (2018) Dydrogesterone causes male bias and accelerates sperm maturation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental Science & Technology 52(15), 8903-8911.

[4]    Peng FJ, Ying GG, Pan CG, Selck H, Salvito D, Van den Brink PJ (2018) Bioaccumulation and biotransformation of triclosan and galaxolide in the freshwater oligochaete Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri in a water/sediment microcosm. Environmental Science & Technology 52(15), 8390-8398.

[5]    Qiao M, Ying GG, Singer AC, Zhu YG (2018) Review of antibiotic resistance in China and its environment. Environment International 110, 160-172.

[6]    Chen J, Liu YS, Zhang JN, Yang YQ, Hu LX, Yang YY, Zhao JL, Ying GG (2017) Removal of antibiotics from piggery wastewater by biological aerated filter system: Treatment efficiency and biodegradation kinetics. Bioresource Technology 238, 70-77.

[7]    Zhao JL, Furlong ET, Schoenfuss HL, Kolpin DW, Bird KL, Feifarek DJ, Schwab EA, Ying GG (2017) Uptake and disposition of select pharmaceuticals by bluegill exposed at constant concentrations in a flow-through aquatic exposure system. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 4434-4444.

[8]    Ying GG, He LY, Ying AJ, Zhang QQ, Liu YS, Zhao JL (2017) China must reduce its antibiotic use. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 1072-1073.

[9]    Pan CG, Liu YS, Ying GG (2016) Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in wastewater treatment plants and drinking water treatent plants: Removal efficiency and exposure risk. Water Research 106, 562-570.

[10] He LY, Ying GG, Liu YS, Su HC, Chen J, Liu SS, Zhao JL (2016) Discharge of swine wastes risks water quality and food safety: Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from swine sources to the receiving environments. Environment International 92-93,210-219.

[11] Chen CE, Zhang H, Ying GG, Zhou LJ, Jones KC (2015) Passive sampling: a cost-effective method for understanding antibiotic fate, behavior and impact. Environment International 85, 284-291.

[12] Chen ZF, Ying GG (2015) Occurrence, fate and ecological risk of five typical azole fungicides as therapeutic and personal care products in the environment: A review. Environment International 84, 142-153.

[13] Zhang QQ, Ying GG, Pan CG, Liu YS, Zhao JL (2015) Comprehensive evaluation of antibiotics emission and fate in the river basins of China: Source analysis, multimedia modelling, and linkage to bacterial resistance. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 6772-6782.

[14] Liu SS, Ying GG, Liu YS, Yang YY, He LY, Chen J, Liu WR, Zhao JL (2015) Occurrence and removal of progestagens in two representative swine farms: Effectiveness of lagoon and digester treatment. Water Research 77, 146-154.

[15] He LY, Liu YS, Su HC, Zhao JL, Liu SS, Chen J, Liu WR, Ying GG (2014) Dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in representative broiler feedlots environments: Identification of indicator ARGs and correlations with environmental variables. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 13120-13129.

[16] Zhang QQ, Zhao JL, Ying GG, Liu YS, Pan CG (2014) Emission estimation and multimedia fate modeling of seven steroids at the river basin scale in China. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 7982-7992.

[17] Yang B, Ying GG, Chen ZF, Zhao JL, Chen XW (2014) Ferrate(VI) oxidation of tetrabromobisphenol A in comparison with bisphenol A. Water Research 62, 211-219.

[18] Chen CE, Jones KC, Ying GG, Zhang H (2014) Desorption kinetics of sulfonamide and trimethoprim antibiotics in soils assessed with diffusive gradients in thin-films. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 5530-5536.

[19] Chen ZF, Ying GG, Liu YS, Zhang QQ, Zhao JL, Liu SS, Chen J, Lai HJ, Pan CG (2014) Triclosan as a surrogate for household biocides: An investigation into biocides in aquatic environments of a highly urbanized region. Water Research 58, 269-279.

[20] Chen ZF, Ying GG, Jiang YX, Yang B, Lai HJ, Liu YS, Pan CG, Peng FQ (2014) Photodegradation of the azole fungicide fluconazole in aqueous solution under UV-254: Kinetics, mechanistic investigations and toxicity evaluation. Water Research 52, 83-91.

[21] Chen CE, Zhang H, Ying GG, Jones KC (2013) Evidence and recommendations to support the use of a novel passive water sampler to quantify antibiotics in wastewaters. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 13587-13593.

[22] Liu S, Ying GG, Liu YS, Peng FQ, He LY (2013) Degradation of norgestrel by bacteria from activated sludge: comparison to progesterone. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 10266-10276.

[23] Yang B, Ying GG (2013) Oxidation of benzophenone-3 during water treatment with ferrate(VI). Water Research 47, 2458-2466.

[24] Li X, Ying GG, Zhao JL, Chen ZF, Lai HJ, Su HC (2013) 4-Nonylphenol, bisphenol-A and triclosan levels in human urine of children and students in China, and the effects of drinking these bottled materials on the levels. Environment International 52, 81-86.

[25] Zhao JL, Zhang QQ, Chen F, Wang L, Ying GG, Liu YS, Yang B, Zhou LJ, Liu S, Su HC, Zhang RQ (2013) Evaluation of triclosan and triclocarban at river basin scale using monitoring and modeling tools: implications for controlling of urban domestic sewage discharge. Water Research 47, 395-405.

[26] Liu S, Ying GG, Zhou LJ, Zhang RQ, Chen ZF, Lai HJ (2012) Steroids in a typical swine farm and their release into the environment. Water Research 46, 3754-3768.

[27] Yang B, Ying GG, Zhao JL, Liu S, Zhou LJ, Chen F (2012) Removal of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) during ferrate(VI) treatment of secondary wastewater effluents. Water Research 46, 2194-2204.

[28] Liu YS, Ying GG, Shareef A, Kookana RS (2011) Biodegradation of three selected benzotriazoles under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Water Research 45, 5005-5014.

[29] Yang B, Ying GG, Zhang LJ, Zhou LJ, Liu S, (2011) Kinetics modeling and reaction mechanism of ferrate(VI) oxidation of benzotriazoles. Water Research 45, 2261-2269.

[30] Li X, Ying GG, Su HC, Yang XB, Wang L (2010) Simultaneous determination and assessment of 4-nonylphenol, bisphenol A and triclosan in tap water, bottled water and baby bottles. Environment International 36, 557-562.

[31] Wang T, Tian M, Ding N, Yan X, Chen S J, Mo Y Z, Yang W Q, Bi X H, Wang X M, Mai B X (2018) Semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) during clear, fog, and haze episodes in winter in Beijing, China. Environmental Science & Technology 52, (9), 5199-5207.

[32] Zheng J, Yu LH, Chen SJ, Hu GC, Chen KH, Yan X, Luo XJ, Zhang S, Yu YJ, Yang ZY (2016) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in human hair and serum from e-waste recycling workers in southern China: Concentrations, chiral signatures, correlations, and source identification. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 1579-1586.

[33] Wang J, Ma YJ, Chen SJ, Tian M, Luo XJ, Mai BX (2010) Brominated flame retardants in house dust from e-waste recycling and urban areas in South China: Implications on human exposure. Environment International 36, 535-541.

[34] Chen SJ, Ma YJ, Wang J, Luo XJ, Ma BX (2009) Brominated Flame Retardants in Children’s Toys: Concentration, Composition and Children’s Exposure Assessment. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 4200-4206.

[35] Cao J, Wang G, Wang T, Chen J, Wenjing G, Wu P, He X, Xie L (2019) Copper caused reproductive endocrine disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology 211, 124-136.

[36] Xie L, Wu X, Chen H, Luo Y, Guo Z, Mu J, Blankson ER, Dong W, Klerks PL (2016) The bioaccumulation and effects of selenium in the oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus via dissolved and dietary exposure routes. Aquatic Toxicology 178, 1-7.

[37] Xie L, Flippin JL, Deighton N, Funk DH, Dickey DA, Buchwalter DB (2008) Mercury (II) bioaccumulation and antioxidant physiology in four aquatic insects. Environmental Science & Technology 43(3), 934-940.

[38] Hu D, Xie Y, Li X, Li L, Lan Z (2018) Inclusion of Machine Learning Kernel Ridge Regression Potential Energy Surfaces in On-the-Fly Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9, 2725-2732.

[39] Li X, Xie Y, Hu D, Lan Z (2017) Analysis of the Geometrical Evolution in On-the-Fly Surface-Hopping Nonadiabatic Dynamics with Machine Learning Dimensionality Reduction Approaches: Classical Multidimensional Scaling and Isometric Feature Mapping. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 13,4611-4623.

[40] Du L and Lan Z (2015) An On-the-Fly Surface-Hopping Program JADE for Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics of Polyatomic Systems: Implementation and Applications. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11, 1360.

[41] Lu Y, Lan Z, Liu Y (2015) The Theoretical Estimation of the Bioluminescent Efficiency of the Firefly via a Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 540-548.

[42] Lu Y, Lan Z, Thiel W (2015) Computational Modeling of Photoexcitation in DNA Single and Double Strands. Topics in Current Chemistry 356, 89-122.

[43] Li XM, Qiao JT, Li S, Haggblom MM, Li FB, Hu M (2020) Bacterial communities and functional genes stimulated during anaerobic arsenite oxidation and nitrate reduction in a paddy soil. Environmental Science & Technology 54 (4), 2172–2181.

[44] Qiao JT, Li XM (Co-first author), Li FB, Liu TX, Young LY, Huang WL, Sun K, Tong H, Hu M. 2019. Humic substances facilitate arsenic reduction and release in flooded paddy soil. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (9), 5034–5042.

[45] Li XM, Mou S, Chen YT, Liu TX, Dong J, Li FB (2019) Microaerobic Fe(II) oxidation coupled to carbon assimilation processes driven by microbes from paddy soil. Science China-Earth Sciences 62 (11), 1719–1729.

[46] Qiao JT, Li XM (Co-first author), Hu M, Li FB, Young LY, Sun WM, Huang WL, Cui JH (2018) Transcriptional activity of arsenic-reducing bacteria and genes regulated by lactate and biochar during arsenic transformation in flooded paddy soil. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (1), 61−70.

[47] Li XM, Zhang W, Liu TX, Chen LX, Chen PC, Li FB (2016) Changes in the composition and diversity of microbial communities during anaerobic nitrate reduction and Fe(II) oxidation at circumneutral pH in paddy soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 94, 70–79.

[48] Li XM, Liu TX, Wang K, Waite TD (2015) Light-induced extracellular electron transport by the marine raphidophyte Chattonella marina. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 1392–1399.

[49] Li XM, Lin Z, Luo CL, Bai J, Sun YT, Li YT (2015) Enhanced microbial degradation of pentachlorophenol from soil in the presence of earthworms: Evidence of functional bacteria using DNA-stable isotope probing. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 81, 168–177.



[1]     一株醋酸甲羟孕酮高效降解菌及其应用,201710977850.0

[2]     一株去氢孕酮降解菌及其应用,ZL 2017 1 0495742.X

[3]     一种基因重组发光菌综合毒性测定试剂盒,ZL 2018 2 0701370.1



[1]     环保部环境保护科学技术二等奖,《农业源污染水环境综合控制技术体系研究与应用》,环境保护部环境保护科学技术奖励委员会,应光国(排名3),2017年

[2]     广东省科学技术二等奖,《饮用水源流域水环境风险识别与控制技术体系研究及其应用》,广东省人民政府,应光国(排名2),2016年

[3]     中国科学院科技促进发展奖二等奖,《高负荷地下渗滤污水处理复合技术》,中国科学院,应光国(排名5),2015年

[4]     广东省自然科学一等奖,《新型卤代持久性有机污染物的环境地球化学行为与暴露风险》,广东省科技厅,陈社军(排名4),2019年

[5]     广东省自然科学一等奖, 《矿物-胞外呼吸微生物间电子传递机制及其环境效应》,广东省科技厅,李晓敏(排名8),2019年



[1]     广东省地方标准编制,《水质 抗生素类化合物的测定 固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法》,2018年

[2]     专著:《环境化学前沿》,第7章 药物与个人护理品环境污染与效应,2017年,应光国

[3]     专著:《环境化学前沿(第二辑)》,第11章 环境抗生素与耐药基因污染研究进展,2019年,应光国



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