

Yang Haiyan

2019-11-28 17:24:06 From: 华南师范大学环境学院 Hits:


Haiyan Yang is an associate professor in SCNU Environmental Research Institute. She received her Ph. D. in Environmental Engineering from Peking University in 2014. She worked as a postdoc research associate in GDH water supply Co. LTD & Harbin Institute of Technology (Joint research fellow, 2014-2016) and University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee (2016-2019). She joined SCNU in November, 2019.

Her research interest includes (1) sustainable point-of-use water treatment technologies (e.g., membrane and ceramic filtration) and (2) fate and transport of colloidal contaminants (e.g. engineered nanoparticle, pathogen) in aquatic system. She was the principal investigator (PI) or co-PI of 3 grants supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, GDH water supply Co. LTD and the NSF I/UCRC Water Equipment and Policy Center in the United States. She is one of the inventors of the enhanced ceramic filtration materials for water contaminants removal (pending international patent). She has published more than 10 papers on Water Research, Environmental Science & Technology, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering and other peer-reviewed journals.