

Hua Pei

2019-11-28 16:11:25 From: 华南师范大学环境学院 Hits:


Dr. Pei Hua, Associate Professor. She received a PhD scholarship from the China Scholarship Council for studying in Dresden University of Technology, Germany. Her main research interests focus on the formation and transformation of disinfection byproducts in drinking water distribution system, including the development and application of water quality model to optimize the disinfection strategies and control the disinfection byproducts level in drinking water networks. She is the principal investigator of 1 research grants funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, 1 project supported by South China Normal University Youth Talent Program. She also involved in the project granted by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. She has published papers on several journals, such as Water Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Hazardous Material, and Science of The Total Environment etc.

Email: pei.hua@m.scnu.edu.cn

Website: http://faculty.scnu.edu.cn/peihua