

Huang Guangyong

2019-11-26 15:10:35 From: 华南师范大学环境学院 Hits:


Guoyong Huang, Ph.D. He graduated from Huazhong Agricultural University and gained a Doctor Degree of Agriculture in 2018. He was supported by the China Scholarship Council to carry out a two-year joint Ph.D. project in University of Massachusetts, Amherst from September 2016 to September 2018. His main research concentrates on the remediation technology of heavy metal contaminated soil and the interfacial chemical behavior of soil heavy metal in the rhizosphere. He has already published 13 journal papers, including 5 SCI papers as the first author in international academic journals such as Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, International Journal of Phytoremediation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research;and also 2 papers were published in national journals in China such as Environmental Science-China (In Chinese).

During the period of Ph.D. study, he got the supporting of "Excellent Doctoral Student Funding Program" in Huazhong Agricultural University, and he also participated the project of National Natural Science of Foundation of China named "Mechanisms of Copper Hyperaccumulation by Castor in Soils and the Influence Factors" and the project of National Science-Technology Support Plan named "Integration and Demonstration of Safety Utilization Technology for the Farmlands contaminated with Cadmium, Arsenic and Nickel Exceeding the Standard Concentrations in Zhongnan Industrial and Mining Areas". He has attended the relevant national and international academic conferences for 6 times, and won the third prize of excellent graduate student academic report in the "The 16th Conference of Soil Environment Professional Committee of Chinese Soil Society" (Nanchang, China, 2013) and the second prize of best poster in the "The 14th International Conference on Phytoremediation Technology" (Montreal, Canada, 2017).

Email: guoyong.huang02@m.scnu.edu.cn

Website: http://faculty.scnu.edu.cn/guoyonghuang02